
National Informatics Centre

The National Informatics Centre (NIC) was set-up in March’ 1977 by the Government of India to provide computer based information services to Government departments. Today NIC, is a premier Information Technology organization in India which is committed to provide state-of-the-art, solutions for the IT needs of the Government of India at all levels. NIC carries the distinction of being the largest IT Organization in the Country and has set up a satellite based nationwide computer communication network, called NICNET, with over 1400 nodes connecting the National Capital, the State Capitals and the District Headquarters to one another.

The organizational set up of NIC encompasses its Headquarters at New Delhi, state units in all the 29 State capitals and 6 Union Territory Headquarters and district centres in more than 600 districts of India. The Organization employs a large pool of efficient technical manpower. At the NIC Headquarters, a large number of Application Divisions exist which provide total Informatics Support to the Ministries and Departments of the Central Government. NIC computer cells are located in almost all the Ministry Bhawans of the Central Government and Apex Offices including the Prime Minister’s Office, the Rashtrapati Bhawan and the Parliament House. Apart from this, NIC has various Resource Divisions at the Headquarters which specialize into different areas of IT and facilitate the Application Divisions as well as other NIC Centres in providing state-of-the-art services to the Govt. At the State level, NIC State Centres provide informatics support to their respective State Government and at the District level lie the NIC District Infomatics Offices which strive hard to provide effective informatics support to the Development, Revenue and Judiciary administration of the District.

NIC District Morena
Sno Activity Details
1. Awareness of Computers NIC District Centre plays a
major role in increasing computer awareness among government staff and
providing them training for effective utilization of Govt. facilities. NIC
centre conducts workshops, training programmes and multimedia presentation
on regular basis.
2. Video Conferencing DIC has established satellite
based video conferencing facility. This is being availed by by
various department to interact with their higher officials from Bhopal.
3. Email facility DIC provides email facility ap per the Government e-mail policy.
4. ICT facilities creation DIC provides consultancy
to various departments for creation of ICT facility. It helps in providing
consultancy for site selection, earthing and electrification work for the
computer centre.
5. e-Governance DIC helps in e-Governance
activities in the district. DIC helps in proper implementation of various
national level and state level software in the districts.
6. Web Sites Development DIC develops web sites for local
Government offices and maintains it. Hosting of web site can be done on NIC’s
web servers.


Designation Name
District Informatics Officer Sunil Tyagi
Addl District Informatics Officer
Address District Informatics Centre,
National Informatics Centre, Collectorate,Morena (M.P.)
Pin Code : 476001
Telephone Number 07532-222130 (O)
Email address dio-mrn[at]nic[dot]in


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