

The district is the basic territorial unit of administration in the state as well as in India. The Collector, as the head of district administration is the keyfunctionary of the Government, having vast powers and wide responsibilities. In many ways he is the link between the State Government and the people. He is the custodian of law & order and local administration.

Collector is the Chief Executive Officer of the district and as such he/she exercises general supervision over various departments. Co-ordination of the activities of various departments, control over local-self governing bodies, execution of Government schemes and miscellaneous functions, such as Panchayats, Census, election and relief measures in time of natural calamities like floods, famine and epidemics, etc.

The Organisational set-up of the collectorate may be divided into three main, viz.(i) land revenue, land-records including consolidation of land and other allied matters. (ii)law & order and (iii) development.

The Collector is assisted by Deputy Collectors, SDM, Tahsildars, Naib Tahsildars, revenue inspectors, Patwaries etc. The Collector is also associated with a number of other committee in the district. The most important among them is the District Advisory Committee. The Collector is also vested with statutory powers under excise act, so as to enable him/her to implement the excise and prohibition policy of the Government.