

The Department of Tribal Affairs is a major department of the State Government, which has been entrusted with responsibility for the development and protection of tribal groups. For the discharge of this obligation, the department is operating supplementary welfare schemes with educational and economic uplift on its own level, on the other hand, in respect of the tribal sub plan program and special component plan, as the nodal department, coordinates between various development departments and monitors the schemes.

  • Bringing the tribal and special backward tribal areas to the main stream of the society and bring the equivalent of other areas of the society.
  • Raising of special backward tribe group to bring them equivalent to other tribal groups.
  • To implement education related schemes with the highest priority for the educational uplift of tribal groups.
  • Formation of co-operative societies for tribal women, to give traditional place of tribal culture in the curriculum.
  • Providing resources for economic development through employment, self employment schemes, skill upgradation through various training, schemes.
  • To increase the number of residential schools for the purpose of ensuring the educational development of the tribal children.
  • Bringing human development indices of tribal areas to the human development indices of non-tribal areas.
  • Bring the Human Development Index of Special Backward Classes to the Human Development Index of at least the other tribes.
  • To bring qualitative improvement in tribal education.


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